IBM Cloudability Feature

Business Mapping

Map cloud spending to fit your organization and applications for accurate reporting

The inability to automatically overlay business structures on top of cloud spend creates a disconnect between IT, finance and line of business teams. This difference in cloud language leads to project delays, slower migrations and less organizational confidence in cloud. Often, cloud infrastructure tags or labels are tied to engineering requirements, not business or finance measurement or chargeback needs.

Business Mapping is a rules based engine that categorizes cloud spending to the specific taxonomy of the business, enabling organizations to optimize the unit economics of a given application, services or business unit.

Easily map complex business logic onto cloud spending with dynamic, flexible and time-adjusted rules

Using its powerful declarative language, the Business Mapping rules engine supports sophisticated and nested evaluation criteria to classify cost data to specific business units, applications or other defined business structures.

Make information easily consumable

The Business Mapping API enables full integration with IT Ops and FinOps processes so system generated ERP and CMDB cost center codes are easy to understand by humans and make reports and dashboards more meaningful.

Track governance and compliance to company standards

With Business Mapping, governance rules are applied to meet compliance requirements, such as tag compliance, geo data location compliance and allocation criteria based on project lifecycle status (new experiment vs. keeping the lights on) and dates (reorganization effective date, change in accounting rules, etc.)

Finance and technology teams partner to enable faster business decisions

Finance and procurement teams can now understand where spend occurs in terms of applications, products, services, and business units, even if they don’t fully understand the difference between underlying cloud resources such as EC2, EBS, and S3, or non-cloud costs such as Datadog, Databricks, Snowflake, or FOCUS-compliant billing sources. This enables cross-team conversations between finance and tech partners, resulting in better business decisions.

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