Getting Your Organization on Board 101

This episode of FinOps Fridays is about beginning a FinOps journey. Specifically, how you get your organization on board with the program

Getting your organization ready to embrace a FinOps practice is probably the area that needs the most focus – not just because it is widely neglected in the industry right now, but because it is so incredibly impactful. Join Nathan Besh and Maddy Yeazel as they review why you need an executive sponsor, how to find the right fit, and how having one can help you gain long-term returns from your new FinOps journey. We will also discuss why a dedicated group is necessary to be successful, how to work together to create a vision to move forward and finally, a crash course on organizational metrics and how to find the right motivation.

Podcast Audio
FinOps Fridays
FinOps Fridays
Getting Your Organization on Board 101



Nathan Besh

Technical Evangelist

Maddy Yeazel

Principal Solutions Architect