BDD and User Story Specification: Examples

I’ve started using BDD to create user stories specifications several months ago. It works great. Very good format. Developers understand it without problems, Testers can write acceptance tests quickly and it is easy to follow for Product Owner.

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Here are some examples of real user stories specs in BDD for Targetprocess product:

As a Scrum Master I want to see Release BD Chart drawn by weeks

As a Scrum Master
I want to see Release BD Chart drawn by weeks
When Iterations practice is disabled
So that I can benefit from BD chart

Given any development process
When I turn off Iterations practice in Admin -> Process -> Edit
And navigate to Release BD chart
Then iteration velocity replaced by weekly velocity
And Chart end date is the same as Release end date
And BD chart drawn by weeks instead of iterations
And Chart Start Date is the same as Release Start Date

As a Scrum Master I want to see Lead/Cycle time progress

As a Scrum Master
I want to see Lead/Cycle time progress
So that I know whether we are improving our development process or not

Scenario #1
Given Reports section in project and Bug Tracking practice is disabled
When I navigate to Lead and Cycle Time Report
Then I see Lead Time chart
And chart contains 1 line for stories

Scenario #2
Given Reports section in project and Bug Tracking practice is disabled
When I navigate to Lead and Cycle Time Report
Then I see Cycle Time
And chart contains 1 line for stories

Scenario #3
Given Reports section in project and Bug Tracking practice is ENABLED
When I navigate to Lead and Cycle Time Report
Then I see Lead Time chart
And chart contains 2 lines (for stories and bugs)

Scenario #4
Given Reports section in project and Bug Tracking practice is ENABLED
When I navigate to Lead and Cycle Time Report
Then I see Cycle Time
And chart contains 2 lines (for stories and bugs)

Additional Info
X-axis – Months (display 12 last CALENDAR months)
Y-axis – Lead time or Cycle Time (in days)

To display value for given months, we take stories completed this month (determined by End Date).
For example, in June we’ve completed 5 stories, in July 10.
Then lead/cycle time will be calculated for June by sum(5 stories lead time)/5 and for July sum(10 stories lead time)/10.

Charts should have labels for each month.

Story line color: #507cb6
Bug line color: #cc060d

Kanban Stats

