The CIO’s Handbook for IT Cost Optimization

The CIO's Handbook to IT Cost Optimization thumb

In this eBook, we walk you through the four ways to optimize your IT costs and offer up prescriptive questions to make your analysis crisp and your conclusions actionable.

Learn more about these four ways to optimize technology costs:

  • Scrutinize to close financial loopholes
  • Economize to eliminate waste
  • Rationalize to avoid duplication
  • Commercialize to curb demand

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In this eBook, we walk you through the four ways to optimize your IT costs and offer up prescriptive questions to make your analysis crisp and your conclusions actionable.

Learn more about these four ways to optimize technology costs:

  • Scrutinize to close financial loopholes
  • Economize to eliminate waste
  • Rationalize to avoid duplication
  • Commercialize to curb demand
The CIO's Handbook to IT Cost Optimization thumb